I’m not sure what prompted me to tune into the broadcast last night, at the exact moment I did... but wow am I grateful. Rarely have I heard someone transmitting truth as you did last night. You are so tapped in to pure source alignment and utter grounded reality... in this clear and humble way that soothed me and awoke my heart. listening to you was like a meditation for me. I felt you literally healing me with your words and your description of our upcoming year.. You feel like a package mama to me. Clear grounded truth with elevated uranian brilliance and this confidence!!! Wow. --S. E.
To be honest, I think I was a little bit in shock, but in a really good way. SO much of what I have studied on my own in astrology was nothing like what you shared with me. It was as if you were like, hey, let's take off these old glasses for a moment and here, here is a new pair of frames through which to see. For me, it reminded me of the first time I wore glasses, I was like, oh! so that's what the world looks like! It's so clear and colorful!
--R. T.
Oh so many upgrades as a direct result of our session! I'm so grateful. I've booked in to start my album on Monday. Changed my name to Aurora on the New Moon, with a big ceremony.. Worked through dissolving many triggers. Started booking an album launch tour for next year and getting my vehicle ready to live in for a while.
I wanted to reach out with gratitude. You did a 2-hour reading for me in June that was so rich. It’s given me such affirmation and portals into deeper knowing of my Truth. Coming at this powerful moment, it feels like fuel for a car that’s already moving forward! I really appreciate your Shamanic perspective and all the wisdom and knowledge you bring.
I am in awe after our transits reading. By receiving the sacred, precious, and invaluable information from you and your compassionate style I feel my souls map directly speaking and translating what has been going on and what is coming. I feel the entire unconditionally loving universe holding my hand. I trust deeper what’s ahead. So that I maximize the cycles to release what has felt burdensome, heavy, challenging, and thus open to the depths of bliss calling me forward. During and after the reading I always feel deeply rooted into what I came here to do. I am dazzled by my own Radiance. I feel fiercely committed to my co- creation of the life I dream of. Thank you for your talent and dedication.
Over the past 3 years, I have had 3 readings with Tami, all of which were immensely helpful in helping me reorient myself during challenging times. Tami has a true gift for sharing astrological data though a refined and insightful lens, bringing clarity to complex topics. She pulled together multiple threads that I have been working on and illuminated for me the ways in which they all wind together. After my session with Tami, I feel encouraged and positive about this stage of my path. The experience left me feeling very empowered. I wholeheartedly recommend Tami's work.
With Tami, I feel seen. Whether it’s my Gypsy higher self, my constant struggle between my urge to merge or my need to develop a clear and defined self, Tami helps me know that these secret aspects of who I am are normal – no reason to be ashamed, and that others I admire, along history’s path, have shared these struggles and these character traits with me.
Tami, what a profound gift you give me. The rare gift of being deeply seen and accepted as the complex, zany, mercurial person I am. --TR
Thank you again for your amazing reading. I am honored and buoyed by your kind wisdom and interpretations of the current state of things, not just in my chart but collectively. -- OB
Tami Brunk is a brilliant advisor. In her reading of my birth chart and aspects of my Venus cycle, she revealed key characteristics of the person I've been and am becoming. She enriched my Venus return, she dug deep to give specific advice on the opportunities my current health problem may provide, revelatory guidance for the potentially life-changing project I’m working on, and suggestions for expansion on all fronts. I will use the visualization she opened our session with again and again. Thank you, Tami, from the bottom of my heart, for your inspired and heartfelt counsel. --JAH
I have had several astrological readings in my life: Vedic, Archetypal, and Western, all of which have been useful at the time. The Shamanic Astrological work with Tami Brunk, however, has proved to be the most accessible and helpful system for me.
What I find most resonant in Tami’s approach is her deep reverence for the Mother and her connection with the Divine Feminine. At the same time, she is completely balanced and in tune with all aspects of the cosmic forces involved in astrology. Her feedback is clear and easily understood while providing profound insight into personal, collective and cosmological forecasts.
—Dr. Judith Yost, Dean of Students, Wisdom University
If Tami was a movie star, I’d tell you to see her every movie. But, she is a shamanic astrologer, so I’d say “don’t miss a word she says”. I really think she was born that way. Her connection to what is happening out there and how it may influence us is the most natural of phenomena in my experience.
If Tami had only informed me of one major aspect of my chart, it would have been enough. Sometimes when I need a bit of extra support in life, I listen to my session with her and hear things I never heard before. Are the Stars and Planets in such a close relationship with her that they added info to my reading? Or is it possible that she created a space for me to go to and receive the information on a level of my psyche that I am not used to having access?
There is no doubt that choices I have made in my life have been influenced by experiencing Tami Brunk’s Shamanic Astrology. My own work in the field of consciousness has transformed from the knowledge I received in my readings. It became obvious to me that certain qualities in the heavens were either trying to get through to me, or, the opposite; they were so much a part of the way I operated that I couldn’t see or feel them. This was no ordinary ‘reading’. This was being cared for by a higher intelligence which embraced the Earth as well as the Heavens.
I always look to see the way a person ‘walks their talk’ in life and I feel comfortable to say that this woman, goddess, person, not only knows what she is doing, she was born to do it. We are the lucky recipients!
—Reginah WaterSpirit
Tami’s readings have been the most useful, thorough readings I’ve ever experienced. She is insightful, unique, full of spirit and a gifted astrologer. She showed me a whole different way of looking at my chart and my life. I loved the Shamanic Astrology compared to other forms of astrology I’ve encountered in the past. Highly recommended!
—Jen Prosser
Tami’s intuitive and compassionate practice has transformed the way I think of astrology and, indeed, the way I think of myself. Her readings are revelations of the spiritual dimension, helping me to ground myself and to expand more confidently into my true nature.
—Tracy Barnett
Tami Brunk’s astrology readings supply juicy life affirming snapshots of what each of us are working with. The Shamanic Astrology approach really spoke to my sensibilities, as it was supportive and inspiring. In the past, I have had Ayurvedic and traditional western astrology readings and both interpretations focused on highlighting the negative parts and left me feeling inadequate.
Tami’s interpretations of my chart focused on my strengths and used archetypes to exemplify them. I love the Goddess archetypes used to define my tendencies and they continue to give me a focal point for both my strengths and weaknesses. My partner and I got a synastry reading as well, which is great fodder for us working through our differences and understanding the charges that bring us together.
I would recommend Tami to any person trying to make sense of things that are not easy to articulate, current life trends, and synergies of partnership. I appreciate Tami’s intuitive, loving manner as she presents her work in a way that feels honoring and aware of the complexities of being human.
—Julie Brown
Thank you so much for the amazing reading! This is SO helpful and exactly what I (and we, me and my partner) needed to hear to provide the tools to further our growth and ease transitions in the present and the future. You are such an amazing miraculous super awesome being. Thank you again!
—TaraStar Barnett
Tami’s inquisitive, positive approach to astrology feels very generous; to her, everything is interesting and full of potential. Her practice of interpreting astrological aspects and elements in terms of the Divine Feminine is unusual in my experience, and offered me a different take on planets and aspects that are typically considered masculine.
This approach also forges a link between modern-day experiences and ancient myths and practices, so that I felt newly connected to the Divine Feminine—even to faces of the Goddess that I hadn’t necessarily felt drawn to before.
Tami’s method encourages one to embrace even the most challenging aspects; I left our consultation feeling that I have the power to meditate on her observations for a long while, using them to my benefit, and as I see fit.
—Becky Holtzman
I had the amazing opportunity to have Tami do a reading for me on my Birthday. I was a bit nervous and skeptical at the same time. I know very little about Astrology. However, her reading was right on track of all the questions I had about my path spiritually, professionally, and family. Her readings validated the current decisions I had made. I came away with clarity, strenght, and most of all faith knowing that the stars were aligned with my spirit. Her gift to me is valuable beyond words.
—Laura Alonzo de Franklin
Tami gave me a reading during an extremely stressful time in my life. Her reading helped me understand where I came from, what my strengths and goals were. It helped me focus during a rocky time. She also noted that I was not going through any major cycles in my life (astrologically). The pressure I felt regarding my situation eased and I could relax into the experience and move forward in my life. I am extremely grateful for Tami’s work and know she will help many others on their paths.
—Rasa Lila
I received a powerful transformation from Tami’s Shamanic Astrology Reading. This transformation came from the interpretation of the position of my Cancer Moon. From this reading I was able to make sense of and put two and two together—of why I had a life long struggle of “having” to be a nurturer—giver while at the same time having a stronger urge and need to be a seeker of my own self truth and individuality.
This revelation was so impactful and powerful that I entered into a day long infusion of etheric golden blessings. A new doorway opened for me that day.
—Gloria Cano
Thanks for the wonderful reading, Tami. You have a great ability to point out important things to know about and pay attention to—in a very grounded, supportive and knowledgeable way.
—Tree McElhinney
THANK YOU for helping us see that there are reasons we have dilemmas inside us, but that we don’t need to struggle against ourselves. You give us permission to be ourselves, with all our odd and kookball parts. And in doing so, you bring a relaxation into oneself… it isn’t the information you give that is so hepful—it’s the way you tie it all together. It’s like you help people see why they have all these parts to their journey that seem so disparate, but in fact weave together beautifully to create a tapestry of a life’s work…
—Becky Dahm
I don’t want to be overbearing, but what we did just so appeals to me. I guess mainly because it would be so great if everyone could see all of the different aspects of themselves too. What completely beautiful complex interactions we’d all be having.
—Becca Bewick
Even after years of self-exploration, your reading provided new insight into who I was as a child, where I am moving away from and what I am growing towards. It was so affirming to see so many recognized aspects of myself explained in an integrated and holistic way. It helps me to understand divergent pieces of myself and integrate them into a whole-being self concept with purpose, meaning and direction.
—Diane Kuschel
What you’re doing is making a big difference. Big and small, not just in my life but many others. Thank you for your words. You give us strength to do great things.
—Dana Blanton