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Super Libra Full Moon Eclipse TONIGHT!


Week of April 14 to 19 Entering the Eclipse Window!

Tonight is the big night! From the moment the Moon enters the penumbra at 10:53 pm MDT, we have crossed the threshold into the Grand Cross Eclipse Window, where we will remain until the Taurus Super New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 29.

And this eclipse promises to be AMAZING-well worth staying up through the wee hours of the night for those who can see it–in North American, South America, Australia, and Eastern Asia.

The full “cloaking and uncloaking” of the Moon will occur between 11:58 pm and 3:33 am MDT. And because the Moon will be so fully immersed in Earth’s shadow, it will appear bright red during much of the period when it is covered.

When we are in an eclipse window we are in a “cauldron” where time is accelerated, and the veils are lifted, so that we can receive the transmissions now coming through via the energetics of the Sun and Moon and the Grand Cross which was activated by Mercury today (Monday) and is exact April 23.

Eclipses have a bad reputation–especially blood red eclipses like this one! Part of the reason for this is because eclipses DO bring up what is in Shadow, in order for us to heal and release!! It is my belief that the best way to work with eclipses is through ceremony, and by cultivating a high vibrational energy around them where we can extract the powerful potential for deep transformation that they represent.

This is a time where magic is available to us and we can truly energize our potential as agents of light, healing and transformational change. The Eclipse is a moment where the Sun, Earth, and Moon all line up perfectly–and this time also with Spica (see below) –so that we receive direct downloads from the mysteries they are transmitting.

It can also be a time of energetic overload so continue to drink plenty of water, spend time outside, and center and ground in all the ways you know to do this.

We are Healing the Earth

I recently spoke with a spiritual teacher who shared with me that the reason many people are sleeping later than normal, and awakening exhausted, is that many of us have a contract to do “earth healing” in our sleeping hours.

Part of us goes out into the world where we are needed, and devote our energy to this healing. She said, laughing, “I only donate about 10 percent of my energy,” I have a practice to maintain!

I LOVED that idea, and it resonated with me as truth. I know that part of our consciousness or spirits can travel very easily on the breath of our dreams, or our meditations, or our prayers. I would also add that fatigue and overwhelm has to do with the healing we are each experiencing in our OWN energetic bodies as we sleep–and of course we and the Earth are profoundly connected!

So if you are feeling tired and exhausted, bless yourself and the Divine Ally in all its many forms for the healing you are helping to support in your life and body and across the Earth.

If you are “giving away” a great deal of energy and feel you do not have enough to be fully present to your life, you may wish in your meditations or prayers to ask for support in changing your contract, being clear that you wish to do your part, yet also claim, as a self-loving individual, the right to experience the joyful, ecstatic, energizing dimension of these changes in your waking life.

Part of the healing of Capricorn AND Libra at this time is to acknowledge that while suffering is sometimes part of life, when we take on more than is ours to take on, we create imbalance. There is enough for everyone to take their part, yet still experience the joy and magic of life!

Lunar Eclipse Magic

This Lunar Eclipse is extraordinary for several reasons. One reason is that it occurs just HOURS after Mercury triggered the full Grand Cross today (Monday). Another is that it occurs on the day that Pluto stations retrograde.

A third reason is because it is almost EXACTLY conjunct Spica, the brightest star in the Virgin Constellation, which carries the most essential energy, love, and light from the heart of the Divine Feminine.

Pluto stations retrograde and Mercury squares Pluto just hours before the eclipse, which empowers it to do what Eclipses do best-magnify and illuminate what has been in shadow so we release and heal it. As it is the Libra/Aries dynamic we’re working with, we may well experience the Shadow side of our relationship to ourselves, as well as our way of being in partnership.

So in our ceremonies tonight or tomorrow, we do well to call out both the light and shadow at play in our dance between Self and Other, perhaps by asking any of the following questions that truly grab you, or all if you wish:

How am I in right relationship my essential nature, my cause and mission? How am I OUT of alignment with my individual essence, my I Am Truth? If I am caught in a place of “not knowing” myself and my essential nature, what DO I know about my path and truth and how can I grow that? How do my closest relationships empower or disempower my self-actualization? How do I, in my closest relationships, empower or disempower, the self-actualization of my beloveds?

Energize what is working for you, and release–asking for support in this process–what does not, either written on a piece of paper and given to the fire, or put into the Earth for composting.

Grand Cross Activation

The energy of both this Libra Lunar Eclipse and the Cardinal Grand Cross, triggers the householder, or culture-bearer signs of Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn is to support us in building a new human culture, one that honors the Earth and the next seven generations.

The vibrant Libra Aries dynamic highlighted in this Eclipse as well as the Grand Cross is about the fundamental questions of balancing self with other. If we look to the sociopolitical models of capitalism and communism/socialism, you see that we are split in a polarity between shadow Libra and shadow Aries.

Humanity has been told we have to choose between a distorted emphasis on self-actualization and the individual at the expense of the Earth and human relationships (shadow Aries), or a sacrifice of individual needs and self-actualization for the benefit of the state or the whole. In truth, the “self-actualization” of modern capitalist society does NOT honor the full expression of the individual; it is trapped within the production-oriented energy of Shadow Capricorn.

And in truth the individual cannot exist outside of the matrix of human bonds, and the supportive and loving embrace of this Earth that provides us with all our essential physical needs. So we have been forced into a false dichotomy–and it is time for us to break through this falsity and into the truth of collaborative, cooperative culture that honors the dance between the individual and collective.

The New Earth culture we are asked to open and break through to at this time is a BOTH AND culture. Yes, we focus our energy, joy, intention, and time to develop our skills, our hearts, our full capacity in the areas we feel soul-called.

AND we joyfully share our essence, our capacity, our developing grandness with our loved ones, with our circles, our tribes, and our global community. We let our lights shine, and we ask to be led to those areas where our lights can serve with the greatest potency-AND we know we get to ENJOY the experience, not suffer through it!

Second, the Lunar Eclipse will be exact conjunct Spica, the brightest star in the Virgin Constellation, which points to two deeper, interpenetrating layers of spiritual transformation that are occurring at this time. One is the return of the Divine Feminine into human culture, into the being of ever woman and man, into the vibration of the Earth herself. Two is the coming of Christ, or the infusion of Christ Consciousness into human and Earth experience.

These two can be seen as an expression of the same initiation, where a new humanity is “birthed” from the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine into our world. We can imagine that this time the Goddess, who is indeed “whole unto herself” (the true meaning of Virgin), yet also immersed currently in the Libra Mysteries, joins with the emerging Libra Sacred Masculine to bring forth the Christ Consciousness within our Near Earth Culture.

Part of how we see this literally is by the activation of Spica, the brightest star of the Virgin Constellation, which carries the concentrated essence of the Divine Feminine, and of the Virgin Goddess herself.

So it is that the Divine Feminine, and Christ Consciousness, and the Relational Libra Masculine are bringing the highest vibration of love, of light, of grace, down and into this Earth herself, into human culture, and into the heart of each of us, supporting us in the healing, and mending of our earth and human communities as well as the raising of the vibration of Middle World reality (represented by the Cardinal or Householder Signs)!

So that we remember that this world we live in is ACTUALLY magic, and filled to brimming with joy as well as soul-nourishing grief-and all the other life-giving emotions. Is the Grand Cross Activating YOU personally?

If you have Moon, Venus, Mars, Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, IC, North or South Node between 12-14 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra, you are in the cross hairs of this cycle and it represents the greatest potential for a breakthrough for you–as well as the greatest intensity! Find out by casting your free chart here.

IF SO, I highly recommend scheduling a reading (contact me at, to learn how to best navigate this energy.

ALSO, if you have not yet heard my Meet Your Grandmother Guide Meditation, I highly recommend it! This is part of what I have created for the Capricorn Venus Teleclass Circle, but I want to offer it to everyone for free. It is on Cayelin Castell’s home site, scroll down to the center of the page.

Finally, more support to meet this month of great intensity can be found here, through Cayelin Castell and Lauren Jubilerer’s awesome free offering on the Grand Cross and how to work with it. I HIGHLY recommend this positive and supportive resource.

Weekly Transits

Sun (23 Aries 29). The waxing Moon is visible approaching Mars in the evening sky. April 14, Monday. The Moon conjuncts retrograde Mars (16 Libra 48) at 9 am. Mercury (12 Aries 18) squares Jupiter (12 Cancer 18) at 11:32 am. Mercury conjuncts Uranus (13 Aries 10) at 4:15 pm. Mercury squares Pluto (13 Capricorn 35) at 9:12 pm. Pluto (13 Capricorn 35) stations retrograde at 4:44 pm. April 15, Tuesday. Passover begins. The Moon passes 2° NNW of Spica just before the exact Libra Full Moon (25 Libra 16) Lunar Eclipse exact at 12:42 am. The Moon moves into Scorpio at 9:20 am. The Moon is visible approaching Saturn April 16, Wednesday. Mercury (16 Aries) is opposite retrograde Mars (16 Libra) at 4:15 am. April 17, Thursday. The Moon occults retrograde Saturn (21 Scorpio 41) at 12:09 am passing 1° west of Saturn. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 2:44 pm and is visible approaching Antares tonight. Venus in Pisces is trying Jupiter and Cancer at 6:19 pm. April 18, Friday. Good Friday. Today marks the middle of the eclipse season from the Lunar Eclipse on April 15 to the Solar Eclipse on April 29. The Moon is is visible just beyond Antares tonight. Venus (13 Pisces) is sextile Pluto (13 Capricorn at 2:24 am. April 19, Saturday. The Moon moves into Capricorn at 6:28 pm. This Sun moves into Taurus at 8:56 pm.

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