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Regulus New Moon Blessings

The New Moon in Leo was exact yesterday, mid-morning. The ceremonial window for this New Moon continues through this evening, when the tiny crescent Moon appears after sunset. This New Moon was within 5 degrees of Regulus, the “Hear of the Lion” in the Lion Constellation.

When setting your New Moon intentions, begin by centering yourself. Ask yourself: what have been the moments, the threads of awareness of illumination where I have caught glimpses of what I truly wish to create in this world, what I most deeply desire to experience? Who you are is unique in this world. There will never be another with your essential gift, embodied as you are. What is it that you wish to share generously, from your core? How does it feel to radiate that gift into the Universe?

You may write down words, or you may simply breathe into and focus your attention on these feelings of what you wish to experience and share. Either way, know that the entire Universe breathes life into this desire, and this longing, even as you hold and energize it. You are supported, and your deepest heart’s desire is on its way.

In November of last year, Regulus crossed the zodiacal Leo/Virgo threshold from 29’59 Leo to 0 Virgo. This was one of many “cross checks” indicating that we are moving through an Age Change. Last night I saw how, when we awaken to our innate radiance and divinity, when we claim our capacity as masterful creators, we can enter the energy field of humble servant (Virgo) with great potency and power—and understand that the greatest masters become the greatest servants.

The magical threshold between Leo and Virgo reminds me of those ancient Kings and Queens who understood that their highest calling was to act as loyal servants to the people. It was their role to express the highest potential of human nature—kindness, compassion, generosity, creativity, leadership, in service to their community.

Over the past month, triggered by the Pluto Uranus square and Chiron square Jupiter, many of us have been plunged into the Underworld repeatedly, where we were overcome by old, familiar feelings of shame, unworthiness, fear, powerlessness, and despair. Through this time, we have also repeatedly emerged, gasping for air, to experience moments of clarity, great love, wonder, and gratitude for the preciousness of life.

Mercury Retrograde in Leo has provided an undercurrent of loving, healing, energy, providing us with the new seed stories and messages about our how beautiful, how perfect, how loved, how capable, how divine we truly are. When we receive this kind of infusion of love, it accelerates the healing process, bringing even more rapidly to the surface all the beliefs that no longer serve, so that they can fall away. We are practicing allowing them to simply fall away, again and again.

The truth is that many of us are afraid that if we look deep inside ourselves, if we slow down enough to actually move through the painful beliefs and stories, we will discover that these stories are our fundamental truth. We are afraid that at our essence and core is more pain, more ugliness, more shame. We believe that we are not working hard enough, that we must push ourselves beyond the point of exhaustion to fix ourselves. And we have a gnawing fear that we are not strong enough, capable enough to ever get it right.

We don’t have to work so hard. We just have to slow down and know that these recurring painful experiences are mini deaths, of our old identities and egos. We pass through these experiences and come out the other side with strength, aliveness, and a radiant presence from our very core, from the center of our being.

As we learn to accept that we are brighter, lighter, more full of love, more capable, than we had believed ourselves to be, as we continually return to the emerging tendrils of what is going well, what feels resonant, what feels fertile and growing in our lives, we are building from a foundation of self-trust, and fundamental truth.

We find ourselves engaging in a love affair with life. We find that like the Queens and Kings of old, we are sovereign, we are good, and we have much to give. At this time, what we serve is connected to the Virgo mysteries, to the Sacred Feminine, to Gaia. What we serve is an awakening sense of wonder, gratitude, and recognition of the holiness of this Earth, of our embodied incarnation, of the earthly life we live.

We are awakening to the boundless stores of life force energy accessible to us as we claim this Earth path with full reverence and jubilation. When we know our true strength and beauty, we serve Life, we serve wholeness, we serve our own beauty and awakening and we serve each other—all our relations, human and otherwise—in joy and anticipation.

NEW! Click below to listen to an audio recording where I cover more of the big picture of what we have been working with over the past months, and forecast for the remainder of August.

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