Last night (Tuesday) you may have seen the beautiful Full Moon near Jupiter in the evening sky. It was also transiting the current North Node point in Virgo several hours later.
I set the intention to dream with the North Node last night, and allow its energies to fully re-align me to my true life purpose, to “True North.”
This is what the North Node is all about. I woke in the morning feeling as if I’d had an “astral adjustment”–and with my first thoughts being a quick insight into a financial matter I needed to resolve quickly, in order to be able to “get my house in order” so I can be truly free this summer to pursue the travel and learning that nourishes my soul.
Virgo North Node, currently activated by Jupiter as they are within just 2 degrees at present (separating but will be conjunct once more in June), aligns us with the patterning of creation and also supports us in tending to the details that make our lives operate more smoothly.
For this reason and many more, I have been seeing how for myself and many others, this is the time to tie up loose ends, get the details straight, so that we are more grounded and yet also more free in these coming months to soar and come into our full empowerment.
It is essential at this time to practice a rigorous back-and forth between feeding our sources of inspiration & forward movement (Jupiter) vs caring for what is right in front of us, clearing the decks of old issues, which might include taking time to feel our feelings and grieve and otherwise honor the past so we can move beyond it.
How would it feel to you today, if you were to acknowledge that you are perfectly aligned with your greater good, with your true purpose, that everything happening in your life up to now has aimed you perfectly toward your Greater Story, is aiming you True North?
What if you were to understand that greater ease, flow, and joy naturally emerge as you settle into gratitude and attentiveness to what is, and make small daily calibrations in response to messages from your body and dream wisdom you receive each morning?
For more about the North Node and Jupiter in Virgo you may wish to purchase my 2016 In-Depth Astrology Report: Includes a 15 page written report as well as a 1-hour audio report, and a guided meditation. undefined $22.00
Starseed Sky Apprentice Openings until Spring Equinox Due to high level of interest I have decided to open a new Starseed Level 1 and 2 offering to those who are interested in my Sky Apprentice Program but missed the initial deadline. Find our more and ENROLL HERE.
The Sky Apprentice Program is For You IF:
* You want to connect viscerally, in your DNA, in your bones, at the cellular level, through both right and left sides of your brain, to the celestial mysteries–to the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, constellations to hear their message for you and the collective
* You are excited to use the tools of Active Dreaming, meditation, journaling, shamanic art, crafting, movement, and guided visualization to cultivate this practice
* You want to tie this deepened connection directly back to trigger points on your Birth Chart, so that you specifically know and feel how the the points in the sky, the stars, and the constellations DIRECTLY influence your soul’s journey.
* You want to cultivate the practice of Active Dreaming and track the connection between your dreams and personal and collective planetary transits
* You are interested in building or using a “heirophany” to align with the Solstice and Equinox points
* You would like to be part of an online (FB) community actively sharing their insights, dreams, heirophanies, regarding the celestial mysteries and “dreaming the dream onwards.”
Nuts and Bolts
* Next Class is March 17, 5:00 pm Pacific. Previous three classes will be delivered to you for you to work at your own pace.
* Program includes 13 Monthly Class Modules from December 21, 2015 to December 21, 2016. Each Module includes: 60 minute Teaching Call with accompanying PDF and 30 minute Q & A * Invocation and Guided Meditation you can listen to later * Home Play
* Course will be cumulative, beginning with the Sun and the sign of Capricorn, followed by the Moon, the Nodes (Eclipses), Mercury, etc.