​Venus Evening Star is at her brighest now and on February 1 the Crescent Moon will meet her in the sky at the Crown Chakra Gate. As she completes her 19 month Leo Venus Cycle, there is so much to celebrate and honor and integrate and acknowledge.
We have been doing so much work (and play!) to become more sovereign, more self loving, and to shine our light into the world in this moment we are all so powerfully called forward.
In my past nearly 15 years attuning to the Venus Cycle, this is the moment within the cycle I've seen again and again as most potent for creation and manifestation.
This is the moment in the Inanna Venus stories where the Queen reclaims her crown, her own spiritual authority, and her direct, unshakeable connection to God/Source.
I love seeing how people, especially those in their personal Venus Return but truly for ALL of us begin to brighten and become more radiant as Venus nears completion of her 584-day cycle, her brightest time in the sky, and her greatest potentcy within the cycle.
To me it feels like we're coming into FULL COLOR! So I am excited to offer a ceremonial Venus Inanna Integration Program on Saturday, February 1 to support in integration of the cycle and preparation for the new Pisces Venus Cycle beginning at the end of March.
Below you can enroll in just the course, or also a 90 minute integration call for the full Venus Cycle (for those who have received a Venus Reading from me before) or the event and a Full Venus Reading to integrate this cycle AND a full, two part Venus Inanna Keys Reading.